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Writer's pictureHelena Williams

CAFE Coalition Meeting #1 - 8/03/22

CAFE Coalition

August 3, 2022

2:00 pm

Meeting Notes:

OneRouge + Capital Area Food Equity Coaltion Overview:

  • Clarity of Aspirational Statement + Goals

    • Watch this video to understand the overall structure of OneRouge, and it’s coalitions.

    • Foster an inclusive community culture in our city that leads to equitable opportunities for all

  • Defining CAFE within OneRouge

    • Mission statement for CAFE

      • Decrease the number of individuals in the Capital Region experiencing food insecurity

    • CAFE Goals

      • End hunger with sustainable and equitable access to 3 healthy meals a day, every day.

      • Teach to grow by providing opportunities for local, sustainable food production; promote economic development of food production and sales at all levels.

      • Promote greater utilization and access to existing feeding programs; SNAP; insure people who are eligible are registered to purchase necessary healthy food.

      • Promote collaboration across organizations and working groups within CAFE and OneRouge to move the needle on lasting and meaningful systems change.

    • Clarity of OneRouge/Structure

      • Working Groups vs. Task Forces

        • Working Groups: Recurring short-term and long-term planning and action

        • Task Force: Immediate events and one-time action (ex: disaster response)

Download the PPT shown during the meeting here.

Established CAFE Working Groups Breakouts:

1.1 Equity/Access

1.2 Family & Child Hunger

1.3 Senior Hunger

2 Farmers

3 Advocacy

*PLEASE NOTE: For this coalition meeting, we combined 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3. Going forward these Working Groups will be in separate breakout rooms.

Question to Answer/Activity:

Identifying Workgroups’ goals from CAFE’s listed goals - and long-term/short-term action for those goals.

List out ideas and activities related to the matched goal: Teach to grow by providing opportunities for local, sustainable food production; promote economic development of food production and sales at all levels.

Equity/Access, Family & Child Hunger, Senior Hunger Breakout

Jan Ross (Wilson Foundation, CAFE Co-Chair)

Helena Williams (Walls Project)

Casey Phillips (Walls Project)

Mike Manning (BR Food Bank)

Katrina Coots (BREC)



  • Define “nutritious” vs. what is desired

  • Variety of partners to increase access

  • Addressing “pride” withholding individuals from seeking support


  • Funding and collaborations


  • Food Bank: Expanded in some areas and in the nutritious food provided

  • BREADA: Drive-thru popular, SNAP-match up to $15, offering Senior coupons for Farmers Market (all have marketing support potential - to share with partners and coalition members)

  • Three O’Clock Project: Food to kids not near schools, waiver with no drop-off; work closely with supporting schools systems and charters to have conversations on pain points

  • LSU: 2020 and 2021 saw an huge uptick on pound of food shared. 2022 almost 240,000 lbs ( double from previous year); volunteers are needed to help (opportunity for CAFE volunteer recruitment)

  • SU: To make a report on what is possible/available at SU

  • BRCC: Pantry available (Mike Manning from Food Bank has contacts)

  • BREC: 57 facilities that can become pantries depending on rules

    • Food Bank has updated to be able to share foods to partners that serve “Just in Time” hybrid pantry

  • Feeding Louisiana: On search for new ED

  • CDC has the ability to bring a Public Health Person to work at any food distribution location

Farmers Breakout

  • Kelli Rogers (GGH Baton Roots, AHA, Top Box, YMCA, BRAEDA, Scottlandville)

  • Mitchell Provensal (Baton Roots)

  • SK Groll (Baton Roots)

  • Pepper Roussel (OneRouge)


Expanding the reach of these programs:

  • YMCA

  • ***BREADA ← connected to small farmers

  • Hustle and Grow partnerships - actually get young people interested in having a small ag operation. COVID has impacted. Each semester feels like rebuilding the program. What does it look like to have people produce commercially?

LSU and SU ag - Master gardeners committee for school community gardens. SU and LSU have home-growing courses

Margee Green - is a great resource


Identify farmers and reach out to people with interest in the space - gap exists to connect with existing growers

LSU had a grant for beginner farm training meant to incubate small-scale agriculture

Community garden network/ BR Garden Alliance

Backyard garden to small farm evolution

What are the meaningful resources?

Next steps:

***Need to invite BRAEDA and the Ag Centers

FightingVille Fresh - Lafayette (Town Folks)

Outreach to growers who are not participating in the farmers’ market/Need a growers alliance

Learn what the needs are while we build and grow

Denote Long-term/Short-term objectives


Caitlyn Scales (Three O’Clock Project, CAFE Co-Chair)

Mary Bergeron (Walls Project)

Danny Mintz (LA Budget Project)

  • American Heart Association - Advocacy Impact Pilot

  • BREADA, Three O’Clock Project, Health Care Centers + CPEX awarded

  • In or Out benefits

  • Oschner: Program with access to Free Food

  • LA Budget Project: $1M SNAP - Greaux the Good

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