Coalition Meeting Notes
Executive Summary:
After a successful launch in April, the Education to Career Coalition (E2C) continues to build community power together. Cross-sector leaders from across the Capital Region came together to work on strengthening the continuum of education and workforce. From early childhood education to career and professional development, the coalition began building milestones and metrics around each of the coalitions’ four goals.
Whether you were able to attend in-person quarterly meetings, or have contributed during the monthly Zoom sessions please review the community input below on Goals #1-3.
Make notes on where you agree, disagree, or feel that there are gaps in order to advance the work together. During our September Zoom meeting (calendar invite to follow) we will do the same activity for Goal #4 and begin building metrics around all the goals. This work will continue into October until completion so that in November we can break into our workgroups in person around mutually agreed-upon Goals, Milestones, and Metrics.
On behalf of co-chairs Adonnica Pelichet Duggan, Dustin LaFont, Tonnisha Ellis, and Trey Godfrey we would like to thank you for the dedication to this collective impact work to build a culture of quality instruction, lifelong learning, and equitable access to opportunity that makes success and prosperity inevitable.
E2C Coalition Notes
Meeting: # 3
E2C Working Group
Coalition Activity:
Discuss what can be accomplished in 45 days & into 2024 for each goal.
Voices from the Coalition - Whiteboard Notes:
Goal #1:
Raising literacy rates
CommentHelping Parents as well as kids
Students have to be able to access to literacy resources & have equal opportunity
EBR Libraries,
Family Road Parent Academy
F.O.A.M Parent Academy
Line 4 Line
Adult Education/LCTCS
Community Book Centers / Little Libraries
Representation in the storyteller is important part of the story of success
Inviting diverse voices to read and share reading
Black-owned bookstores
Science of Reading (phonics vs. word memorization)
Celebrating Literacy as much as sports
Practicing, being consistent
Teaching the power of discernment
Read-aloud programs - Word Recognition
Create Literacy Agency
Finding what children already enjoy to inspire literacy
Digital connection to literacy
Bring in the digital aspect to bridge literacy
Continuous growth
Using people as examples to show advancement
Two Generational Approach (student & guardians)
Meet people where they are
Literacy is fluid and achieved by different styles of learning
Goal is continuous growth
Goal #2: School Buildings as Community Hubs Comment
EBRPSS leadership at the table to break down the barriers to access to these buildings
Partnering with Community Colleges to deliver multi-generational training include HISET
Partnering with community colleges for the HISET
Partnership issues - understanding the barriers to accessing the space
Staffing afterhours
Games for learning, gamify spaces for learning
Create Hot Spots of internet access across campuses
Make access to resources at these buildings affordable and easily understood
Leverage networks like OneRouge and BRAYNE
Introduce new career opportunities outside of the school day, incubate new ides and transform these buildings into centers of innovation
Important to create spaces that are visually attractive to young people and welcoming to multi-generational community members
Remember, you don’t have to be artistic to thrive in a creative environment
Ideas for Hub Use: Adult & elder care, facilities with healthcare clinics on campus, community kitchens (not just warming station kitchens) to push out fresh food into the communities
Need to increase access to early childhood education (Birth to 4 years old)
Ready Start Network plan needs to be added to our aggregated data
This is a big piece of the equation to take a comprehensive approach for the entire continuum from cradle to encore career
YMCA shared spaces
Consider training more parents in Education to be certified as Teacher Assistants (Florida Personel Structure)
Mentorship both for youth and adults is key in success
Goal #3: Early childhood education Comment
Birth - 4 years old
Ready Start network to understand the barriers
Stats: 30,000 kids under 5; 5,500 “at risk” are served
Comprehensive approach to housing, food
Treating staff as educators and not as babysitters
Using empty schools as places for childcare (microcenters)
Success: 100% of children from pre-natal - 4 years old receive access to comprehensive wrap-around services
Microcenters (costs 20 kids = $100,000)
There are early childhood education fund - if we have local dollars to serve X amount of children
There is an existing state match (Kaplan Elementary is beta site)
WIOA > Headstart
Property millage
Flex positions in spaces
Goal is to have 100% of children served, not the small % we are now (especially in economically challenged communities)
Look into the Healthy Moms comprehensive apporach
FQHCs on Campus
Offer Wrap Around Services
Action Items:
Action Item: Sept. meeting we will workshop Goal #4 Continuous Learning
Action Item: Sept. meeting we will build metrics around these themes for Goal #1-4
Action Item: Invite EBRPSS leaders to OneRouge
Action Item: Connect with Ready Start Network
E2C Aspirational Statement
Build a culture of quality instruction, lifelong learning, and equitable access to opportunity that makes success and prosperity inevitable
E2C Goals
Create a culture that values literacy and increases literacy rates.
Increase equitable access to safe learning spaces that encourage joy for learning at any level
Expand awareness and access to early childhood education
Increase opportunities for continuous learning