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Education to Career 11/14/23 Coalition Meeting

Writer: OneRougeOneRouge

In November, Education to Career (E2C) met in-person to continue defining the goals and tactics for the coalition. Each goal broke into working groups to determine next steps. Please read below for the notes.

GOAL 1: Increase percentage of community members able to access existing literacy resources

  1. Increase percentage of community members able to access existing literacy resources

  2. Support the development of public awareness campaign prioritizing include diverse storytellers, celebrating and amplifying families & educators

  3. Support the implementation of science of reading and proven best practices

Responsible Parties
  • What are the necessary pieces of information that we must first collect? 

  • What are the existing literacy resources

  • How do we track data around them?

  • How do we understand the numbers that already exist

  • # of individuals based on education levels

  • Access points to access the information to increase literacy

  • Literacy working with parents of pre-K and K students. Software “Learning upgrade” that can be installed on a cell phone.

  • What is community?

  • 1st bullet - Are we interested in quantifying bullet one? Percentages around the number of readers - Sharmayne Rutledge

  • Perhaps include Parents/Caregivers/Guardians in the mission - Kwahid

  • How are we supporting the implementation? Will this be in schools? The SOR training is nearly $3K per person and the state will now require K-2 teachers to be trained, will this focus on them? - Dr. Jaleesa Thompson

Literacy defined

Needs assessment

  • Clarity on necessary information to establish baseline

  • Identify existing resources

Capital Area Region availability methods and barriers

  • transportation 

  • Library hours (open)

NOTE: LCTCS held annual summit adult ed that focused on literacy

Will send the survey results that has both national and state average Have federal census data to state to parish

LCTCS provides funding for:

The Baton Rouge Literacy Advocates



AMI Kids

Prairieville org (focused on youth)

Responsible Parties

Support the implementation of science of reading and proven best practices

Science of reading is a term of art

Responsible Parties

Support the development of public awareness campaign prioritizing include diverse storytellers, celebrating and amplifying families & educators

What is the information to share

What is the medium/channel for this campaign

Who owns it? Where does it live?

What is the follow through/monitoring to hold entities accountable

What are the existing campaigns

Who is best positioned and how do we get everybody in the room/what are the voices in the room

If an owner has more capacity to do the work than ORC, then perhaps it is to create the parameters of an organization to support knowing we may have to obtain the resources that are necessary

Identify diverse story tellers

Action items:

1 Action items:

Identify resources

Identify data that exists around it - what are our measures of success if we do this well

Interest inventory or youth assessment

How do we measure each one?

2. Parameters of the campaign

Resources for the campaign

Parking lot

How do we get community excited about literacy

GOAL 2: School Buildings as community hubs

  1. Identify and eliminate barriers to providing schools as community hubs including but not limited to cost, staffing, partnership requirements, and policy 

  2. Expand digital access in school buildings both in and out of school times

  3. Support development of incubation centers with appropriate community partners

  4. Increase access to k12 spaces for learners of all ages


Identify and eliminate barriers to providing schools as community hubs including but not limited to cost, staffing, partnership requirements, and policy 



Adding insurance liability as a goal or topic of discussion

Can’t support development if we do not know what they are  

Morgan Udoh


Expand digital access in school buildings both in and out of school times



How would we determine who would have access and when? During instructional hours?

 Tia Fields

Support development of incubation centers with appropriate community partners




Researching the functionality of incubators vs community hubs  to define the concept and layout the foundation  segmented access


Increase access to k12 spaces for learners of all ages



Segmented access and scheduling 

Action Items: 

  1. Define community hub & Identify 3-5 existing community models

  2. Create business continuity for coordination and eliminate replication

  3.  Host a conversation with stakeholders to identify successes, best practices and barriers

  4.  Conduct  coordination and needs assessment 


The meeting was productive and informative , with a consensus on the importance of the community hubs that meet the needs of the community.  Need to discover measurable actions.

GOAL 3: Early childhood education

  1. Professionalize the understanding of early childhood educators through coordinated public campaign

  2. Support increased access to existing community assets as facilities of opportunities for early childhood expansion

  3. Support EBRPSS investment in microcenters

  4. Work with community partners to identify stable and diverse funding streams to support universal availability of early childhood seats


Milestone: Professionalize the understanding of early childhood educators through coordinated public campaign



- Campaign around not babysitters (Base Pay $32k, Public Schools Pay a little more, Associates degree-entry level, professional level worker)

- Child Development Associates program in high school $24-27k with a CDA certificate

- Need to align with early education associations 

- Female dominated profession

Milestone: Support increased access to existing community assets as facilities of opportunities for early childhood expansion



Need to coordinate with City of BR Head Start (Vernadine Mabry) on how to better staff facilities that currently provide healthcare 

Milestone: Support EBRPSS investment in microcenters




Need funding 

Milestone: Work with community partners to identify stable and diverse funding streams to support universal availability of early childhood seats




Find Funding to eliminate the politics that change influence on early Ed experience

Local Head Start needs to apply for grants

Action Items: 

  1. Circle back with David and Aimme to shore up our meeting notes

  2. Need to drill down further on concrete action items for each milestone to create a blueprint for collective action in 2024

  3. Request list of Capital Region agencies that work in this space via Kahree database

  4. Circle back with Libby for her recommendations as well and how Greaux Together can join in the OneRouge work

  5. Action Item


Overall a good start to the Early Education working group. Need to create a comprehensive list of organizations in the Capital Region for Tia, Pepper and to reach out to bring into this working group (i.e Louisiana Children’s Cabinet members). The intersectionality of the work in the E2C coalition as well as the wholistic ORC approach will bring orgs to the table. 

GOAL 4: Increase opportunities for continuous learning

  1. Complete a SWOT analysis and map asset in 30 days. Within 45-60 days develop strategies to address the results of the SWOT analysis/asset map.

  2. Support a unified pathway/feeder of student internships from existing partners

  3. Support a benefit-cost analysis to motivate the desire to pursue education and the multiple pathways available. Additionally identify potential funding sources such as grants, state funding, etc.

  4. Identify all educational programs in target areas as well as create an asset map to pathways from degrees and certifications to employment


Milestone: Complete a SWOT analysis and map asset in 30 days. Within 45-60 days develop strategies to address the results of the SWOT analysis/asset map.



Defining continuous learning

Education & Workforce Only

Figure out what demographics want to concentrate on

Milestone: Support a unified pathway/feeder of student internships from existing partners



Certification program

  • Vision of what the person is trying to accomplish 

  • Stackable credentials 

  • Associates degree, licensing 

  • Multiple entry & exit points

Milestone: (NEW) Identify and publicize educational funding


Milestone: Create pathways to high wage and high demand jobs in the 5 verticals (Earth Wind & Fire)




Invite everyone from the ecosystem

Tie-in all the work on the Capital Region Workforce Ecosystem from 2022-23

Look at the work of TAC

Action Items: 

  1. Barriers Listing

  2. Define Audiences

  3. Create/Obtain a Technical skills checklist


Barriers Listing 

  • $ transportation, alignments 

Process for capturing 

  • Forms

  • - short term vs long term

  • -API that connects to other databases





  • Holistic Learners

  • Continuum Career

  • Build out to a degree


  • Work based learning

Employers who offer training or pipeline to training

Technical skills checklist cross reference certifications 

  • Career Waves layout or adding on

  • Perkins funding for 3 years looks to see if it expands economic development/business

  1. Literacy resources 

  • Necessary pieces of info to collect

  • Access points of info

  • Define literacy

  • Needs assessments

  • Existing resources 

  • LCTES > utilizing literacy summit with software to pair limited adults to early learners (Adonica)

  1. Community Hubs

  • Define the concept

  • Look at existing models with best practices

  • Business Continuity

  1. Early Childhood

  • Professional understanding through coordinated campaign

  • Headstart, schools, low pay, advocate for themselves for pay 

(PAST) Support a benefit-cost analysis to motivate the desire to pursue education and the multiple pathways available. Additionally identify potential funding sources such as grants, state funding, etc.

Average 25-64 (more mature) demographics that don’t have 200,000 individuals that don’t have access

 Identify all educational programs in target areas as well as create an asset map to pathways from degrees and certifications to employment

SWOT of who?

  • Employer vs employee

  • Make awareness

  • marketing/outreach

Resource to Make 

Info Dump- Shared Space

  • Imaginable free forms that ask the question of what you provide

  • Understanding barriers with timing 

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