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Education to Career (E2C) Coalition Meeting Notes 5.16.23

Writer: OneRougeOneRouge

Meeting Notes & Next Steps May 16, 2023 @ EBR Goodwood Library

Quarterly In-Person Convening

Opening and Overview

  • Group shared stats amongst each other to frame the conversation

  • POINT OF INTEREST: No one shared or heard a stat that made them proud of the state of education in Louisiana and Baton Rouge

  • MMW Team provided overview of One Rouge’s aspiration and process for achieving the aspiration

  • POINT OF INTEREST: Education to Career Coalition is one pathway to achieving One Rouge’s aspiration

  • E2C’s contribution is in the coalition aspiration and goals

  • Co- Chairs provided overviews of each goal and facilitated discussions around opportunities, challenges and barriers (See below)

E2C Coalition Meeting at Goodwood Library

Working Group #1: Equity & Access

Focused on E2C Goal: Create a culture that values literacy and increases literacy rates.


  • Helping connect the adults with literacy at the community hubs to change the mindset for the entire household > helping parents be equip with the tools to tutor in reading

  • Sharing with family with community at large teaching the skills to help guide the youth/older groups together

  • Encourage parents to take on roles to work up their skills to be able to help their child > taking the threat out of it

  • Engage students

  • Engage employers


  • “Our challenges are our opportunities.”

  • Reading is no longer a part of the curriculum

  • Science of reading isn’t being poured into the rooms but in affluent areas, they are able to step in and remediate vs. less affluent areas. We need consistent, high-quality reading tutoring

  • Challenge gap between younger/older people, where older people are not in a position to help younger through their literacy challenges

  • Changing mindset. (Administration and School System)

    • Working to break/change stereotypes. (Students “can’t” read)

  • Changing Narratives

    • We want to Create a culture….that?

  • Connecting to employers.

    • How do we Increase Talent pool?

    • What are Employer incentives to participate?

Barriers/Other Considerations:

  • What can we do with social media/gamification to help here?m

  • It is important to not assign a value system to why parents feel certain ways (ex: apathy) toward literacy training

  • Create solid Goals for E to C.

    • Measurable, Sustainable Deliverables.

    • Potential Goals:

      • Increase Louisiana’s education ranking.

      • Bridging the gap between parents and students for educational success

  • Terms. “Career vs Workforce vs Opportunity”…

    • Defining/redefining terms and narratives. (Student participation in definition?)

    • Students may be intimidated by or have preconceived notions pertaining to certain terms.

Working Group #2: Schools as Community hubs/centers

Focused on E2C Goal: Increase equitable access to safe learning spaces that encourage joy for learning at any level


  • We know what works.- Use existing models and examples- YMCA, Discovery Schools, Scotlandville Magnet

  • Community partner involvement and development

  • Educational innovation

  • Increasing value for parental involvement

  • Using old schools as retrofitted centers for innovative things like STEM

  • Comprehensive school use with a district-wide plan to utilize facilities equally

  • BRAYN is building the structure into school access in the afterschool program space to prevent having to go directly to principals to offer students support services

  • Benefits concierge > asset mapping > getting people the support they need

  • Existing programs can get data and E2C can bring all data together and then drive the narrative so have the numbers to say

  • Empty school buildings that can be used as something else


  • Teaching reading RIGHT

    • Utilize the “science of reading”, not just traditional/common methods.

  • High quality Professional Development

    • Equip educators with continuing education with literacy focus

  • Change narratives with parents.

    • Encourage more parental involvement and development. Provide education so that parents are able to assist with student learning. Provide tools and education that highlights literacy importance.

  • Transportation and school safety

  • NPOs creating hub experience but not at all schools

Barriers/Other Considerations:

  • Use what’s already there.

    • Social media. Gaming. Creative innovative ideas to help educate

  • What is our ask?

  • May need someone from EBRPSS administration

Working Group #3: Bridging the gap: education and industry

Focused on E2C Goal: Increase opportunities for continuous learning.


  • Increase programs in and out of school.

  • Bring industry to the table


  • Connecting high wage jobs

    • High wage opportunities that are available with and without post secondary education.

  • Drug education

    • Educate students on the possible effects of drug use and employment. Where companies are, and where companies are headed.

  • Highlighting the importance of being a part of technical programs.

    • Educate students and parents on current program opportunities

Barriers/Other Considerations:

Working Group # 4: Community Outreach (Events)

Focused on E2C Goal: Expand awareness to access to equity childhood education


  • Asset mapping to understand what partners can contribute to future events

  • Learning how to listen to the community needs before submitting support

  • Celebrating Juneteenth.


  • Not siloing the efforts of the event to one lane - look at the 9 Drivers of Poverty

  • Community Involvement

Barriers/Other Considerations:

  • The African American Museum is relocating.

  • Events need to be qualitative because there is so much vying for attention.

  • Needs to be able to address the needs of youth and adults simultaneously.

  • Understanding and listening to attendees to know what to bring to next events, info gathering

  • Knowing the audience and what you’re trying to accomplish with the event



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