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OneRouge Community Check-In - Week 113

Writer: OneRougeOneRouge

Week #113

The focus of the conversation is a continuation on our 9 Drivers of Poverty series on "The Digital Divide: It Multiplies Inequality" with a focus on what the Digital Divide really means, who is truly impacted, and the challenges the entire state faces in closing it.

Enlight, Unite, & Ignite!


Speaker Notes

Veneeth Iyengar (Louisiana State Executive Director for Broadband Development & Connectivity, ConnectLA)

In late 2019 the Governor recognized that addressing the digital divide was critical for Louisiana so he created the Broadband for everyone initiative. Two representatives: Avoiles and Ouachita Parishes, both created legislation to create this office. The need for coordination between state and federal agencies. In early 2021, that’s when the governor approached me. Made a three year commitment and agreed to implement a staff. As a culture and an office we think of ourselves as a public start up. I report to Jay Dardenne. He has held many high office positions. He understands the politics, the policy and the finance side of things. Our office actually sits in the commissioners office. Communicating complex topics to folks who are not typically used to getting that information. It’s a lot more difficult for people in rural areas to understand how to build a digital road than a physical one. Our efforts in Louisiana are recognized from the feds as having one if not the best broadband office in the country. They would never publicly admit it, but our speed and ability to execute and take action on feedback has been consistently recognized.

Tracy White (Senior Public Affairs Specialist, Cox Communications)

Cox is the nation's largest privately owned telecommunications company and we were founded by educators, so the digital divide is something we’re trying to solve for. We were all taken for a ride in 2020. For the last decade before the pandemic we were pushing the Cox Connect to Compete service. We wanted to connect to families with K-12 students because they depended on the internet. Then in 2020, everything shifted, and we were able to get devices into and for individuals who needed it. There were about 403,000 households without the internet. It’s not a luxury, it’s a necessity. It is very important for us to get together and penetrate these areas where there is no access and the infrastructure is not there, or affordability is not there. We’re now calling it digital equity. We’re looking forward to having more discussions about this. I oversee the charitable giving for the region. I’m working with groups to spread this message so more people can access the internet.


Stupid question: almost everybody has a smart phone. when you say no equipment, do you mean laptops/desktops???

We know people are accessing through their mobile phones, but we mean actual hardware people can access the internet with.

Veneeth - 1.6 million people in Louisiana lack access to the internet for some reason: access, affordability, literacy, device. We’re going to make the first significant wave of announcement in the next few weeks. On the infrastructure bill, we’re going to get 1.1 to 1.2 billion dollars. We’re going to make sure the unserved population in Louisiana has access to it but has access to high speed internet that’s affordable. Once we focus on the unserved, we’re going to focus on the underserved. Then once we take care of the underserved we’re going to focus on community anchors like hospitals, etc. We’re not going to see that until Q1 next year. We’re going to still go through a grant mechanism to incetize companies. We’ve been really pushing the affordable connectivity program. 290,000 households that get $30 off each month on bills, or 100 towards a device. On a per capita basis we’re number 1, but we also have a lot of people that need it which isn’t good. On digital literacy, we think there are between 470,000 people that lack basic computer literacy. In highly urbanized areas, you’re going to have higher numbers of folks that lack basic literacy. In East Carroll, the numbers are low, but percentage of population is high. We’re going to focus on a literacy program in five parishes, where we fund the libraries to train digital navigators to teach basic digital literacy. The last is on digital equity and inclusion. The infrastructure bill that gets all the glam is the big dollars coming to the state for access. What was included in that bill was something called the Digital Equity Act. It’s 2.75 billion dollars. We were the first states to submit our letter of intent. The purpose of that DEA is to establish the state’s first digital equity plan. It’s going to involve a tremendous amount of stakeholder involvement. What happens is once we have developed that plan, we submit that to the feds and once it’s approved it locks in money to get it started. We will see that money in Q3 of next year. There’s a very clear distinction between digital equity and digital inclusion. We’re going to certify that every unserved structure has access to high speed affordable internet. There are going to be so many jobs created because of this. How do we make sure that folks who have been recently incarcerated have the ability to be part of this? These are not minimum wage jobs. These are $25 an hour jobs. We are going to need 5,000 of these folks over the next five years. We really need from a workforce perspective, but to develop a plan starting in the summer of next year.

Tracy - Cox joined 19 other service providers at the White House in May. For us we need to expand our programs to get to folks that need access to these programs. We came to an agreement to lower the price of our services so that people can qualify for it for free. That looks like anyone who is applying for any kind of government assistance they could qualify for a subsidy. We’ve dropped the price to $30. People can apply that credit to their monthly bill.

Rinaldi Jacobs - No human left behind is the pillar of what we need right now. Cybersecurity as an example, if you’re in Tensas parish, you can’t get a cybersecurity job because you can’t access the internet. Our schools should be open year round. They shouldn’t close during summer when they need the assistance year round. We need to push for relocation of oil and gas tax. K-12 computer science education. At some point, we’re going to have to reconcile the infrastructure for digital.

Veneeth - Hurricane Ida significantly knocked down more holes than Katrina. We recognize that when Ida happened several commissioners from the federal commission came down and spent time with the governor and first responders. We feel this is a one time shot at this money. I want to work myself out of a job. For the 26 parishes south of I-10, if we’re smart with the money we’re getting, we may have money to make it a requirement that any ISP that wants our money to go into those areas, has to put that stuff underground. We’re working with the governors team on flood patterns. Hurricanes are not loosing the strength as soon as they make landfall.

Dead Spots - That may speak to satellite coverage. If we’re smart enough with the way we spend our money, we may have enough to build cell towers in those dead zones. There are pockets in north EBR that are hyper rural. I talked to Mayor Broome about applying for our grant.

In order for us to unlock federal money we have to have a 5 year spending plan and we have to have it done by April of next year and we have to address issues of cyber security. We have to tactically address those issues and the second is around climate. We have to address these as part of our five year plan. The unintended consequences of getting everyone internet is increased mental health issues, increased social isolationism, increased internet rabbit hole. On the front end helping to address cyber fraud. Those are things we are going to quickly address that we want to get feedback from you for our five year plan.

Tracy - We are investing in the network to prevent those dead area. We lost so many poles during hurricane Ida. Cox was looking at ways of reassuring those things.

Manny Patole - Everything is connected. The general question/comment for both, the idea of using public dollars for private things, even if the applications are out there and people are unaware of what they are, how do you get out in the communities to make sure people know what they are.

Tracy - The short of it is that we are not just reactively going out and marketing to people. We are out boots on the ground at the events to talk to people. We have a street team that goes out and talks to people and enroll people with the devices.

Alfreda Tillman - I’m concerned that we have not had the opportunity to do as much assessment with people to find out what they actually need. Getting the information to them and actually getting them enrolled.

The resources in the larger metro areas are not equitably distributed. Some of the kids go all the way through school and have not had computer literacy. COVID provided an absolute necessity to have that access. We can’t assume that just because it’s the 21st century and we should be teaching these things, that they are getting them.

Rev Anderson - In the incarceration system technology is the duel issue. The private companies come in and make it expensive and suck the assets out of those families. In the same systems, no jail or prison in the state does technology except for prison enterprises. Oftentimes, if I put a store in a low or no wealth community, I will charge more for that service, I will issue a poverty surcharge. My son went to a 360 school, and the benefit was that every nonprofit or community service has to provide that service to the students.

Zoom Chat

08:24:04 From Helena Williams to Everyone:

You cant see a sunrise in SF bc of the fog

08:28:57 From Manny Patole(he|his, CCBR) to Everyone:

Rinaldi co-hosting today?

08:29:07 From One Rouge to Everyone:

He's pinch hitting

08:29:15 From Manny Patole(he|his, CCBR) to Everyone:


08:29:33 From Manny Patole(he|his, CCBR) to Everyone:

Have folks seen this:

08:29:41 From Manny Patole(he|his, CCBR) to Everyone:

08:30:13 From Morgan Udoh (She/Her/They) to Everyone:

Morning OneRouge fam!

08:30:29 From Manny Patole(he|his, CCBR) to Everyone:

Good Morning All

08:30:50 From One Rouge to Everyone:

Good morning, Fam

08:30:51 From Manny Patole(he|his, CCBR) to Everyone:


08:31:02 From One Rouge to Everyone:


08:31:13 From Manny Patole(he|his, CCBR) to Everyone:

Seriously, what happened?!

08:31:22 From One Rouge to Everyone:

@manny, it's up to you to put on light blue or white.

08:31:46 From Manny Patole(he|his, CCBR) to Everyone:

I have a beige t-shirt on… le sigh

08:31:49 From Flitcher R. Bell to Everyone:

I'm traveling, in Boston, and didn't get the MEMO! LOL

08:32:06 From One Rouge to Everyone:

<le sigh>

08:32:44 From Esperanza Zenon to Everyone:

Good morning everybody

08:34:12 From One Rouge to Everyone:

for shame!

08:34:52 From One Rouge to Everyone:

whose responsibility is it to send out the memo???

08:36:41 From One Rouge to Everyone:

i rather enjoy contrarian approaches LOL!

08:37:27 From Rinaldi Jacobs Sr to Everyone:

08:37:49 From Casey Phillips to Everyone:

Jay Dardenne is a Louisiana treasure

08:38:14 From Rinaldi Jacobs Sr to Everyone:

08:39:04 From Rinaldi Jacobs Sr to Everyone:

08:40:11 From One Rouge to Everyone:

"Understanding ow to build a digital highway" seems an critical piece of info. Are rural folks having to do that themselves? Or is state or the feds guiding them?

08:41:51 From Rinaldi Jacobs Sr to Everyone:

08:41:55 From Patrisha’s iPhone to Everyone:


08:46:36 From One Rouge to Everyone:

i like the idea of digital equity!

08:46:38 From Patrisha’s iPhone to Everyone:

You are so on it!!

08:47:12 From One Rouge to Everyone:

Stupid question: almost everybody has a smart phone. when you say no equipment, do you mean laptops/desktps???

08:47:19 From Patrisha’s iPhone to Everyone:

Come to Scotlandville!!

08:47:30 From Manny Patole(he|his, CCBR) to Everyone:

08:47:34 From Rev. Alexis Anderson to Everyone:

One of the challenges is also the apps access. If I am looking for a job I may need certain apps that may not be accessible in the public square.

08:47:45 From Manny Patole(he|his, CCBR) to Everyone:

403K households, not individuals

08:48:16 From Rev. Alexis Anderson to Everyone:

There is also a very serious issue with digital literacy.

08:48:53 From Pam Wall to Everyone:

I am a lifetime advocate for public education but never have understood why all schools are locked up all summer, with computers stored in closets and the internet on vacation when many of our students are already so far behind.....doesn't make sense. Taxpayers are being short changed.

08:49:23 From Manny Patole(he|his, CCBR) to Everyone:

08:49:28 From One Rouge to Everyone:

Access, literacy, device, affordablity

08:49:32 From Rev. Alexis Anderson to Everyone:

Absolutely agree Pam!

08:49:45 From Marlee Pittman to Everyone:

And stable, safe housing to plug in at!

08:49:56 From One Rouge to Everyone:

^^^^that's real!

08:50:29 From Flitcher R. Bell to Everyone:

I truly agree with you Pam!!

08:50:30 From One Rouge to Everyone:

Wait. I need small words and short sentences. WHat's an ISP

08:50:45 From Rev. Alexis Anderson to Everyone:

How does this blueprint address Louisiana's issues with hurricanes and other climate change related challenges?

08:51:12 From Casey Phillips to Everyone:

Amen Pam Walls and Marlee Pittman!

08:52:17 From Liz Shephard (Love Your City) to Everyone:

Yes Rev. Anderson - my thoughts exactly.

08:52:25 From Rev. Alexis Anderson to Everyone:

Is the digital infrastructure leadership part of the Emergency Planning System at all levels?

08:52:40 From Manny Patole(he|his, CCBR) to Everyone:

To confirm, paying private firms to provide broadband access that people will still have to pay for?

08:53:00 From Alfreda Tillman Bester, SULC to Everyone:

Pam is on point, as ususal. Unfortunately, our elected officials do not have the political will to commit the resources necessary to staff summer programs and access in our schools.

08:53:05 From Manny Patole(he|his, CCBR) to Everyone:

Sorry, private/co-ops applying for grants/funds

08:54:09 From Manny Patole(he|his, CCBR) to Everyone:

Prof Tillman is correct, if resources are not there to keep doors open and manage spaces, it is hard to do things in the summer (think summer breakfast/lunch program difficulties)

08:54:28 From Chandra Stacie (she/her) to Everyone:

08:54:57 From Rev. Alexis Anderson to Everyone:

How does that literacy calculation relate to need? For instance low and no wealth communities must access governmental services via the internet? What is the literacy level required? Where are baseline for understanding who needs what level of literacy?

08:55:43 From Liz Shephard (Love Your City) to Everyone:

Louisiana is first in something! Thanks, Veneeth ;)

08:56:06 From Patrisha’s iPhone to Everyone:

Anything in Evangeline parish areas?

Oakdale Villeplatte Opelousas areas

08:57:08 From One Rouge to Everyone:

digital equity is not digital inclusion

08:57:48 From Alfreda Tillman Bester, SULC to Everyone:

Veneeth, I know an EXCELLENT Law Center with a program focused on Equity that is ready and willing to contract with you to develop that Digital Equity/Inclusion Plan. 😇

08:57:49 From Rev. Alexis Anderson to Everyone:

In Baton Rouge we have the Capital Area Corporate Recycling Council ? Does something like this organization exist in other parts of the state?

08:59:02 From Helena Williams to Everyone:

What is the current conversation happening around making internet a public utility? Are there barriers from this happening?

08:59:12 From Rev. Alexis Anderson to Everyone:

Many of the barriers for formerly incarcerated people come from organizations and policy makers putting restriction in how can serve in these jobs.

09:00:11 From Rev. Alexis Anderson to Everyone:

Sorry typo, who can serve in these jobs.

09:00:16 From Rinaldi Jacobs Sr to Everyone:

The CACRC charges about $150 for a lap top. I don't know if the Federal dollars allow the purchase of "used" devices with the $100 grant

09:00:16 From Morgan Udoh (She/Her/They) to Everyone:

^Helena... inquiring minds would like to know…its me. i'm the inquiring mind.

09:00:19 From Patrisha’s iPhone to Everyone:

Please address the ‘public utility’ quest

09:00:21 From Liz Shephard (Love Your City) to Everyone:

Agreed, public access to internet is important.

09:01:48 From Patrisha’s iPhone to Everyone:

$30 a month for high speed ?

09:02:29 From Manny Patole(he|his, CCBR) to Everyone:

Let's not get into Opportunity Zones ;-)

09:02:43 From Liz Shephard (Love Your City) to Everyone:


09:02:45 From Rev. Alexis Anderson to Everyone:

Does Cox partner with CAUW to help people understand the resources through 211 and Super Tax events?

09:03:25 From Rev. Alexis Anderson to Everyone:

That's how you do it!!!!!!

09:04:08 From Patrisha’s iPhone to Everyone:

Yes! Go Jake and Thank You!

09:04:30 From Tracy White to Everyone:

@ Rev Alexis Yes, Cox is a sponsor of CAUW's 211 program and advocates for the services it provides

09:04:51 From Rev. Alexis Anderson to Everyone:

Say that!

09:05:16 From Samantha Morgan to Everyone:


09:05:23 From One Rouge to Everyone:


09:06:24 From Sherreta Harrison to Everyone:

I hate that I have to leave this conversation. The school thing is an especially hot topic and speaks to the need for community partnerships because teachers do want Summer breaks and probably really need them.

09:06:45 From Rev. Alexis Anderson to Everyone:

None of these systems speak collaboratively. Many of us that have strong relationships with the rural areas understand how critical this divide is. It is fundamentally a public safety issue.

09:07:04 From Omar Minhas to Everyone:

That’s a very imbalanced statistic.

09:07:06 From Pam Wall to Everyone:

Public will is weak and there are many distractions. We need some "investigative" reporting in the print and broadcast media to educate the mainstream citizen to the technology that is paid for but not available to public school students.

09:08:04 From One Rouge to Everyone:


09:08:08 From Liz Shephard (Love Your City) to Everyone:

The Lighthouse!

09:08:21 From Liz Shephard (Love Your City) to Everyone:


09:08:27 From HAWF Team to Everyone:

09:09:28 From Morgan Udoh (She/Her/They) to Everyone:

It should be more heavily subsidized in the least if the employing class expects the workforce to enter, exit, and engage in the labor economy with that tool.

09:09:53 From Liz Shephard (Love Your City) to Everyone:

09:09:53 From Pam Wall to Everyone:

Front Yard Bikes has 30 or so kids showing up everyday this summer. How would we get computers/laptops to the new Youth City Lab for them to use? We need to go where the kids are with the technology they need.

09:10:15 From Manny Patole(he|his, CCBR) to Everyone:

The larger question is why are most historic essential public services have been corporatized/privatized? This goes for energy, transit, water/sanitation, solid waste management etc

09:10:28 From Manny Patole(he|his, CCBR) to Everyone:

Ask me why…

09:10:36 From Manny Patole(he|his, CCBR) to Everyone:


09:10:43 From One Rouge to Everyone:

@manny, why!

09:11:00 From Pam Wall to Everyone:

Manny, I'll bite....WHY?

09:11:03 From Manny Patole(he|his, CCBR) to Everyone:


09:11:03 From One Rouge to Everyone:

Question: if we are investing underground, what happens when it floods?

09:11:19 From Manny Patole(he|his, CCBR) to Everyone:

You can read my dissertation :-)

09:11:36 From Mary Bergeron to Everyone:

Pam Wall = Manny Enabler

09:11:40 From Patrisha’s iPhone to Everyone:


Makes sense - underground is the way to go!! It’s TIME!!

09:12:02 From Manny Patole(he|his, CCBR) to Everyone:

Basically, Washington Consensus/NeoCon political ideals that privatization = increased efficiency

09:12:16 From Morgan Udoh (She/Her/They) to Everyone:

Manny + Pam = dream team of disruption <3

09:12:21 From Samantha Morgan to Everyone:

Are there any known environmental implications to underground lines?

09:12:22 From Manny Patole(he|his, CCBR) to Everyone:

but no one questions why it is more efficient and how it happens...

09:12:33 From Morgan Udoh (She/Her/They) to Everyone:

IS it more efficient?

09:12:33 From Pam Wall to Everyone:

Mary, not a bad accusation!

09:13:09 From Manny Patole(he|his, CCBR) to Everyone:

I <3 Pam

09:13:10 From One Rouge to Everyone:

that's oddly specific. how do we know we have a 400 tower deficiency?

09:13:32 From Rinaldi Jacobs Sr to Everyone:

Hey Casey what about digital health issues

09:13:58 From Rev. Alexis Anderson to Everyone:

I think this topic needs at least 3 additional sessions.

09:14:03 From Manny Patole(he|his, CCBR) to Everyone:

Tower deficiency has a connecting with markets

09:14:23 From Patrisha’s iPhone to Everyone:

Include SU Law Ctr in that round

09:14:28 From One Rouge to Everyone:

@manny, no doubt.

09:14:33 From Karla to Everyone:

Manny, I am with you on this.

09:14:39 From Manny Patole(he|his, CCBR) to Everyone:

and profitability... which is when we consider are utilities are considered a business or a service...

09:14:55 From Manny Patole(he|his, CCBR) to Everyone:

business, you are looking at a profitability and bottom line.

09:15:02 From Chris Spalatin | BRAC to Everyone:


09:15:04 From One Rouge to Everyone:

@rev. anderson, i heard at least 5 spin offs that overlap with almost every coaltion

09:15:09 From Manny Patole(he|his, CCBR) to Everyone:

service, you are making and ensuring people have what they need…

09:15:19 From Manny Patole(he|his, CCBR) to Everyone:

All my personal soap box/opinion.

09:16:03 From Rev. Alexis Anderson to Everyone:

Remember when workforce commission system crashed when trying to process unemployment checks during the pandemic?

09:16:11 From One Rouge to Everyone:

@manny, we all believe utilities are a service, but know utilities are treated as a business.

09:16:26 From Chris Spalatin | BRAC to Everyone:

agreed Manny - not having access or affordability is keeping certain people from participating in the economy - this is in nobody's interest unless the intention is cruelty

09:16:35 From Manny Patole(he|his, CCBR) to Everyone:

Rule of Unintended Consequences is always there.

09:16:46 From One Rouge to Everyone:


09:16:50 From Casey Phillips to Everyone:

And that ladies & gentleman is why the Metaverse is coming

09:17:27 From Helena Williams to Everyone:

I tell my parents that the IRS will not be asking for Walmart gift cards

09:17:37 From Manny Patole(he|his, CCBR) to Everyone:

but do not get it twisted, it is not the player, it is the game...

09:18:00 From Omar Minhas to Everyone:

^ preach!!!!

09:18:08 From Rev. Alexis Anderson to Everyone:

But we had con artist preying on seniors long before the internet. We had school bullies long before the internet. I think we should think about these important challenges as issues to be addressed.

09:18:18 From Manny Patole(he|his, CCBR) to Everyone:

FYI - Intereested in connectivity and increasing social divides -

09:18:40 From Tracy White to Everyone:

also, lots of great free resources around security and digital literacy on the Cox digital equity:

09:18:40 From Manny Patole(he|his, CCBR) to Everyone:

rom the Reformation and 17th century witch-hunting, through the American Revolution and to the nightmare visions of Orwell’s 1984, Ferguson explores the intersection of social media, technology and the spread of cultural movements.

09:20:13 From Rev. Alexis Anderson to Everyone:

Right now mass incarceration is using technology to isolate, separate families of folks currently incarcerated. Those tools steal assets from the families of currently incarcerated persons. This is a real problem.

09:20:14 From Manny Patole(he|his, CCBR) to Everyone:

@OneRouge, most utilities are a business... but we don't have enough time to go down that rabbit hole ;-)

09:21:31 From Patrisha’s iPhone to Everyone:

Include in your 5 year plan necessary law changes that will allow charges and jail time for what will then be known as illegal use

And abuse

09:21:37 From Samantha Morgan to Everyone:

Will there be any assessment on the areas where this infrastructure is going as to whether that community can sustain additional landloss from coastal erosion and continued climate-related disasters? Realistically, some of these communities will not exist in 20 years whether they realize it or not, so how are we helping them?

09:22:52 From One Rouge to Everyone:

i feel really stupid to ask, but HOW are 18-30y/o lacking in computer related education???

09:23:19 From Tracy White to Everyone:

**also, lots of great free resources around security and digital literacy on the Cox digital academy:

09:23:33 From Liz Shephard (Love Your City) to Everyone:

Thank you, Tracy!

09:24:04 From One Rouge to Everyone:

CAFE please!

09:24:24 From Liz Shephard (Love Your City) to Everyone:

Together Louisina’s network has been huge for this - Block Captains

09:25:04 From Karla to Everyone:

Personal service we pay for should not require the time and effort that is required today to just be able to get help. More development does not make a better product. Personal connection to the customer is being lost.

09:25:16 From Manny Patole(he|his, CCBR) to Everyone:

I had to shout out to my fellow Bow Tie Brother in Mr. St John McKnight :-)

09:25:47 From One Rouge to Everyone:

does that extend to rural areas????

09:25:59 From Rinaldi Jacobs Sr to Everyone:

How many minority firms are involved in all this money being spent? Are our minority newspapers being used?

09:26:14 From Manny Patole(he|his, CCBR) to Everyone:

Or How can that be coordinated with other community events to expand enrollment.

09:27:08 From Manny Patole(he|his, CCBR) to Everyone:

How are minority businesses leveraged and remunerated for their links with the communities that others do not always serve... Right, Rinaldi ;-)

09:28:32 From Chris Spalatin | BRAC to Everyone:


09:29:06 From Manny Patole(he|his, CCBR) to Everyone:

Additional resource for Digital Equity (i have worked with them) Minerva Tantoco

09:29:46 From Manny Patole(he|his, CCBR) to Everyone:

Working with her on Just Energy Transition here in NYC

09:30:12 From Morgan Udoh (She/Her/They) to Everyone:

The Drum

09:30:28 From Luke St. John McKnight to Everyone:

Thank you all for the conversation this morning. Greatly appreciated. Thanks for the shout out, Manny

09:30:40 From Alfreda Tillman Bester, SULC to Everyone:

Black Radio is crucial to reach vulnerable communities

09:30:45 From Kelli Rogers to Everyone:

I have to hop off. Thanks so much everyone! Have a great weekend.

09:30:55 From Manny Patole(he|his, CCBR) to Everyone:

re-upping this...

09:30:55 From Patrisha’s iPhone to Everyone:

The Weekly Press

09:31:01 From Manny Patole(he|his, CCBR) to Everyone:

09:31:56 From Manny Patole(he|his, CCBR) to Everyone:

Exactly. Don't focus on the basics, look at the advanced opportunities. Don't settle!

09:32:26 From K M to Everyone:

Happy Friday All! Thanks for the great discussion! Looking forward to next week. Be safe this weekend.

09:32:31 From Veneeth to Everyone:

appreciate it folks!

09:32:39 From Tracy White to Everyone:

@Casey, Alfreda, & Patricia thanks for reiterating/sharing those publications. That's an opportunity for Cox.

09:33:34 From Rev. Alexis Anderson-EBRPPRC to Everyone:


09:34:19 From Manny Patole(he|his, CCBR) to Everyone:

two different things: knowing how to use an app is different than using G-Suite or Microsoft solutions

09:34:20 From Morgan Udoh (She/Her/They) to Everyone:

They can access it but don't understand how to use it in an impactful way. Boolean logic hasn’t been taught in a decade at least.

09:34:22 From Tekoah Boatner to Everyone:

Well a really unnuanced response is that most of the people youth have access to on a consistent basis don't really know how to use digital access

09:34:27 From Tekoah Boatner to Everyone:

That part Manny

09:34:39 From Rev. Alexis Anderson-EBRPPRC to Everyone:

Yes this is a critical problem.

09:34:55 From Manny Patole(he|his, CCBR) to Everyone:

Talent is spread equally, the opportunity is not

09:35:01 From Patrisha’s iPhone to Everyone:

Some of it is associated with drop out rate as well

09:35:13 From Patrisha’s iPhone to Everyone:


09:35:47 From One Rouge to Everyone:

educate me! @manny, i know that using an app is distinguished from using tech in a professional manner. but i don’t get why or how they have not been taught.

09:36:05 From Rinaldi Jacobs Sr to Everyone:

Manny has not said anything about the difference in Cellular and broad band? Why is that. All of us have cell phones?

09:36:39 From Patrisha’s iPhone to Everyone:

Or those getting their first personal computer when they get to college!!

09:36:43 From Helena Williams to Everyone:

@Pepper, for me it's like being able to drive but not knowing how the car works or why roads have rules. Just that they have them and the car turns on when you press start (or turn the key)

09:36:48 From Pam Wall to Everyone:

Per Ms Bester: children in public housing did not get computers for weeks after school closed. Hot spots were eventually established. Then, of course, the last week of school the EBR district staff came to housing developments and took back every single computer. I understand the need to monitor inventory and not lose computers, but there could have been a greater opportunity for the kids with just a little effort....

09:37:00 From One Rouge to Everyone:

@helena, i AM that person.

09:37:15 From Verna Bradley-Jackson to Everyone:

Have to go. Enjoy

09:37:39 From Rev. Alexis Anderson-EBRPPRC to Everyone:

Yes indeed 😂

09:38:05 From Patrisha’s iPhone to Everyone:


09:38:13 From Rev. Alexis Anderson-EBRPPRC to Everyone:

360 schools

09:38:16 From rh76751 to Everyone:


09:38:21 From Tekoah Boatner to Everyone:

Unfortunately, there is no political will for that

09:38:30 From Alfredo Cruz to Everyone:

I just learned yesterday that our libraries have hot spot hardware anyone with a library card can check out for up to 12 weeks to have wifi connectivity. Just wanted to share this resource in this context.

09:38:39 From Alfreda Tillman Bester, SULC to Everyone:

MONEY, Casey! MONEY!!!

09:38:43 From Manny Patole(he|his, CCBR) to Everyone:

Lets talk about equity in salary for teachers

09:38:44 From Patrisha’s iPhone to Everyone:


09:38:46 From One Rouge to Everyone:

libraries are magical places!

09:38:51 From Pam Wall to Everyone:

Thanks, Alfredo!!

09:38:57 From One Rouge to Everyone:

education and the digital divide!

09:39:14 From Pam Wall to Everyone:

But a hotspot isn't any good unless you have devices.....

09:39:29 From Alfreda Tillman Bester, SULC to Everyone:


09:39:35 From One Rouge to Everyone:

absolutely agree with that!

09:39:49 From Chris Spalatin | BRAC to Everyone:

capital campaigns to fix up schools for nonprofits to use them weekends and for special events

09:39:51 From Tekoah Boatner to Everyone:

Long story short: our education system is busy fighting efforts to privatize the system leaving them with few resources to focus on reforming the system

09:39:53 From Omar Minhas to Everyone:

Preach Casey!!!!

09:39:55 From Karla to Everyone:

I want to put this out. Baton Rouge Community Radio WHYR 96.9 is always looking for new radio shows from local people/organizations. It is all volunteer. It is a low powered radio station but streams world wide. Local shows can be picked up by any other community radio station and broadcast under Pacifica radio. If you or your organization needs a tool to get your concerns and conversations, please go to and check out how to apply to be a show host.

09:40:28 From Samantha Morgan to Everyone:

And summer school

09:40:35 From Casey Phillips to Everyone:

Pay Teachers More

09:40:44 From Casey Phillips to Everyone:

Work year round!

09:40:47 From Patrisha’s iPhone to Everyone:

Old Banks Elementary still sitting empty / let’s use it!! 2701 72nd Avenue

09:40:47 From Tekoah Boatner to Everyone:

We will defund a system so quick!

09:41:10 From Rodneyna Hart to Everyone:

Community announcement: Field trips booked through schools are FREE at Capitol Park Museum year round.

09:41:26 From Tekoah Boatner to Everyone:

We've tried to have conversations about using old school buildings. The conversation goes nowhere

09:41:29 From Chris Spalatin | BRAC to Everyone:

parking too

09:42:06 From Patrisha’s iPhone to Everyone:

Use the grant money

09:43:04 From HAWF Team to Everyone:

And many summer camps are only half-day

09:43:27 From Patrisha’s iPhone to Everyone:

Put the programs in the schools during the summer where the lights are already on

09:44:58 From Donald Andrews to Everyone:

What other communities have solved this problem?

09:44:59 From Patrisha’s iPhone to Everyone:


09:45:08 From Karla to Everyone:

09:45:25 From One Rouge to Everyone:

insurance *is* sexy ! 😂

09:46:55 From Patrisha’s iPhone to Everyone:

This is the solution to many social problems

09:47:01 From Rinaldi Jacobs Sr to Everyone:

Hey Casey I am a licensed insurance agent. Don

09:47:04 From Manny Patole(he|his, CCBR) to Everyone:

Keep kids active!

09:47:14 From Rinaldi Jacobs Sr to Everyone:

Don't make me e Blast you

09:47:40 From Alfredo Cruz to Everyone:

Schools are supported by a millage we pay as part of local property taxes-- whether u have kids or not. but areas with so much blight and abandoned properties don't have this revenue source for schools. Vacant properties are contributing to this under resourcing problem of our schools. Yes!

09:47:52 From Manny Patole(he|his, CCBR) to Everyone:

I just did something with my nephews : 50$ reading program (read 5 books and write about them by August 15) since their schools did not have a summer reading program with a purpose

09:48:09 From One Rouge to Everyone:


09:49:01 From Chris Spalatin | BRAC to Everyone:

lots of accelerators and incubators for new businesses - how about nonprofit accelerators and incubators at public schools? weekend events - internet - parking - mail - AND the school gets fixed up

09:49:04 From One Rouge to Everyone:

our carceral system has NEVER been rehabilitative or restorative. IDK why y'all keep expecting it will suddenly be.

09:49:10 From Chris Spalatin | BRAC to Everyone:

loved this topic

09:49:31 From Manny Patole(he|his, CCBR) to Everyone:

Poverty Surcharge... I was taught it as Black/Brown tax

09:49:38 From Manny Patole(he|his, CCBR) to Everyone:

but same principle

09:50:05 From Patrisha’s iPhone to Everyone:

Good point!!

09:50:11 From Tekoah Boatner to Everyone:

Very true

09:50:28 From One Rouge to Everyone:

we have to change the way we think about how we see community and/or peoplemy views are my own and not reflective of any group that may employ or pay me.

09:50:30 From Tekoah Boatner to Everyone:

You better preach!

09:50:38 From Morgan Udoh (She/Her/They) to Everyone:

I love Rev!

09:50:45 From Rodneyna Hart to Everyone:


09:50:47 From Alfreda Tillman Bester, SULC to Everyone:

PREACH, Rev. Anderson!!!

09:51:05 From Manny Patole(he|his, CCBR) to Everyone:

09:51:11 From Ebony Starks-Wilson Foundation to Everyone:

Good Morning Everyone!

09:51:15 From Patrisha’s iPhone to Everyone:

There you have it! Thanks Rev. Anderson!!!

09:51:24 From Manny Patole(he|his, CCBR) to Everyone:

09:51:29 From Helena Williams to Everyone:

Don't forget the Walls 10th Anniversary Event!

09:51:34 From Toni Bankston to Everyone:

Have a great weekend. Off to another meeting.

09:51:34 From Helena Williams to Everyone:

09:51:34 From Manny Patole(he|his, CCBR) to Everyone:

NYU Capstone intakes are open

09:51:45 From One Rouge to Everyone:

i LOVE field trips!!!

09:53:41 From Taryn Branson to Everyone:

09:53:45 From One Rouge to Everyone:

screening Pier Kids

09:54:35 From One Rouge to Everyone:

you are saying pretty words that make me want to go...

09:55:37 From One Rouge to Everyone:

BRCC partners with churches for new educational opportunities

09:55:38 From Manny Patole(he|his, CCBR) to Everyone:

I am going to hop off. Great conversation once again.. Keep me in the loop of 360 Schools conversation.

09:55:50 From Manny Patole(he|his, CCBR) to Everyone:

Community Colleges are the future

09:55:51 From Samantha Morgan to Everyone:

I would love for Shilo to have more youth programs for our neighborhood kids. A community playground would be a great place to start.

09:55:58 From Patrisha’s iPhone to Everyone:

Thanks awesome

Didn’t hear that- thanks Jake

09:56:13 From Tekoah Boatner to Everyone:

I love it!

09:56:16 From Samantha Morgan to Everyone:

Or even let us put basketball court on their massive parking lot that takes up a half of a city block.

09:56:20 From One Rouge to Everyone:

i'm bout it bout it!

09:57:42 From Liz Shephard (Love Your City) to Everyone:

Yes, we have to all work together

09:57:53 From Liz Shephard (Love Your City) to Everyone:

I literally have way too many thoughts to share - hopping off - great meeting!

09:58:13 From Patrisha’s iPhone to Everyone:

Yes on Together Baton Rouge

09:59:19 From Patrisha’s iPhone to Everyone:

COVID!!! Be safe

09:59:19 From Omar Minhas to Everyone:

Thank you everyone! Have a great and safe weekend! 🙏🏾

Community Announcements

I want to put this out. Baton Rouge Community Radio WHYR 96.9 is always looking for new radio shows from local people/organizations. It is all volunteer. It is a low powered radio station but streams world wide. Local shows can be picked up by any other community radio station and broadcast under Pacifica radio. If you or your organization needs a tool to get your concerns and conversations, please go to and check out how to apply to be a show host.

We are filming with our transgender kids on Monday July 11.

The law center is starting legislative wrap up sessions. Will be every other week for four sessions. The first is a general wrap up.

BRCC is going into the churches. Starting with Shilo.

Affordable housing summit - Monday, 9:30 to 11 at the Carver Library

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