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OneRouge Community Check-In: Week 231

Writer: OneRougeOneRouge

Updated: Nov 23, 2024

Discover the transformative work of LaunchBR, a forward-thinking community initiative spearheaded by Metromorphosis. This week's Community Call featured guest speakers LaShaunda Rene, Kenya Ridley, and Darren Wilson from LaunchBR, alongside Jordanna Coleman, CEO of LC Transport Services, a successful local small business. Together, they provided an in-depth look at LaunchBR's mission to create pathways for economic and social empowerment in Baton Rouge. Attendees gained valuable insights into how this initiative strengthens local resources, supports small business growth, and fosters opportunities for community resilience and prosperity. The discussion underscored the collective efforts driving a more inclusive and thriving Baton Rouge.



Casey Phillips: It's been a long couple of weeks. I almost feel like everybody's tired like talking about at this point. So I'm going to go ahead and shift it over. We had this really amazing human named S. K. Grohl that entered the organization years ago into the Walls. And at our first team meeting that they attended they immediately jumped in and say, Hey, before we get to business, maybe we should share a moment of joy that we both have had this week. That we've had this week or the weekend. So during this week as any of our distinguished speakers, before we start going, I would love for anybody to share any joy that they've had this week. Mr. May, you're off of mute. So you want to start any joy in your world. Susan. 

Susan Hymel:  Yeah. I was one of the volunteer master gardeners that went to finish up the harvesting of Satsumas. 

Casey: Fantastic. What site did you go to?  

Susan: Burden. 

Casey: Burden, awesome. That is joyful. Anybody else?  Darren, have you got any joy in your life this week?

Darren Wilson: Sorry to disappoint everybody on this call. I'm a big Bama fan and we beat LSU.  

Casey: Oh, so.

LaShaunda Rene: We're all supposed to be starting fights this morning, Darren. 

Casey: Darren forgot that I had access to the mute button. But in all honesty, there is nothing to say except congratulations. And I said, and roll into the SEC with success, my friend. I said, but that's all right fine. That's at a certain kind of tone. Hey, everybody, if you have really hard questions for Darren today, please make sure and put them in the chat. I believe he has earned that space in this moment. But anyway, welcome everybody. Happy Friday. This gets to  the part of the year where it's been a long year of work where obviously I've come through. There's a fatigue in the air with a lot of the folks and I'm just learning to give everybody as much space as they need to just go ahead, heal, restore, and then we'll be in the holidays, we'll be surrounded by friends and family and love, and that will be really good to start the beginning of January together because I got a feeling. Just a gut feeling that everyone's going to need to organize and absolutely band together starting in January, moving forward in the good work together. So I appreciate you all being here today. Make sure and keep checking on your friends and your family members that are still going through it, or feeling that really deeply and that's about it. And even, being happy for our Alabama fans like Darren said in their moments of joy and not to take that away from you. So with that being said, I'm gonna turn it over to our co-host Tia Fields and did wanna let everybody know that we'll be presenting one rou today at the Leadership Baton Rouge conference, their summit today. And so if anybody is an alumni of leadership Baton Rouge and they will be there. We will be there and please come share space with us and we'll give everybody a full report next week on what was discussed. Tia, please take it away. 

Tia Fields: All right, good morning. I just want to take the space and opportunity to allow our speakers to introduce themselves. When we think about collaborative work, MetroMorphosis is another half of One Rouge and the work that they do on the individual level. It's just amazing. And I just want to hold space for that. Out of you 3, you guys can introduce yourself with 5 minutes on the time. 

LaShaunda: All right. Thanks so much to you and Casey. I loved that you opened with joy. The joy that I had today or this week was watching one of my daughters perform with her creative arts class at a school block party last night. And so it was lovely to see her. Be able to move past her fear and perform and do a really great job and feel confident about doing new things. So that was joyful for me. I'm LaShaunda Pickett Rene. I am the Innovation and Partnership Catalyst, specifically focused on LaunchBR, which is a container of work focused on small business. And so as the Innovation and Partnership Catalyst, that means I am focused on ways in which we can identify opportunity for collaboration, opportunity to do. Maybe an old thing in a new way or to really figure out what's the new thing that we should be doing as we think about transforming our community from within by working specifically with and on behalf of small businesses. I'll pass it over to Kenya. 

Kenya Ridley: Good morning, everyone. My name is Kenya Ridley. I am one of the community impact catalysts at Metromorphosis within the LaunchBR container and I primarily work with a lot of small businesses, connecting them to different contracts, helping build their capacity for the contracts as well as working with some food businesses to help them get assistance to our revolving loan fund and access to building capacity there. 

Darren: Good morning, everybody. Hello again. My name is Darren Wilson. I am the other community impact catalyst with MetroMorphosis. I specifically focus on our LaunchBR container, helping out small businesses out as well. And I specifically focus on our revolving loan fund and movie. Let's turn it back over to you. 

LaShaunda: All right, are we ready to hop into the presentation or are there other introductions? All right. Perfect. Darren, would you share your screen? 

Darren: Yeah, I just asked for requested access. 

Casey: Helena will make sure that you have access, but just want to lift up our friends from MetroMorphosis being our co creators in One Rouge. Yes, that is why after almost 230 weeks they will be one of two people that actually do a share screen as said on the screen, everyone, so you're in for a treat because royalty gets to do what royalty does, but in all actuality this is very. It's not we're, everybody's trying to make very complex things very simple, and the visuals are really going to help because if it wasn't, if it was easy, then it would have already happened, right? So I said MetroMorphosis is facilitating that. Are y'all able to now share your screen?  Awesome.

LaShaunda: Take it away. All right. So we're so excited to have the opportunity to share a bit about MetroMorphosis, the work that we do through LaunchBR and specifically the revolving loan fund. So you've met the team already. We are the small business focused team within MetroMorphosis. And we're going to talk a little bit more about our revolving loan fund that we do in partnership with essential credit union, which is a C. D. F. I. or a community development financial institution and our partnership with them allows us to leverage the revolving loan fund to support the transformation that we know is possible, and we know for small businesses that capital is a big part of transformation and a resource that is required. And so we've been looking at ways that we can. Connect businesses to capital and to opportunity, but also be a source of capital. And so those are two different things that we're working really hard to figure out how to do well. So we can go on to the next slide.  So before we get into the Revolving Loan Fund specifically, I want to share a little bit more about LaunchBR. Again, it is for  Small business aspect of the work of MetroMorphosis, but specifically what that means is that we focus on building capacity. Capacity looks like having more access to capital. It looks like having stronger operations. And it looks like really having those elements within your business that allow you to be prepared for and respond to contract opportunities and it allows you to create jobs and to support economic opportunity within the community. And so there are a couple of ways that we do that. We have an advancing cities initiative that we're doing in partnership with J. P. Morgan Chase and Build Baton Rouge as well as another CDFI true fund. And that has allowed us. to support businesses and getting access to some expertise specifically around access to capital, as well as getting access to capital. There has been a significant number of dollars set aside for businesses in Baton Rouge that are looking for dollars to build and grow and catalyze their business. And the Advancing Cities initiative is one way that we're able to do that. Right now, beyond the capital piece, we are focused specifically on those businesses that are food based and would like to or need to have their serve safe or H.A. C. P. Food safety certification. We are supporting businesses and getting access to that. If you have any businesses that are in your network that are located in East Baton Rouge Parish that are Looking for capital either to grow their business, and so they might be looking for a larger amount of dollars,  say 100, 000 or 250, 000. We can support connectivity to that capital as well as the certifications for those food based businesses.  BRPop is the Baton Rouge Procurement Opportunity Partnership, and that is again in partnership with another entity that does a lot of great work in the community, and so as part of the Baton Rouge area chamber initiative we are co hosting, this BR pop, which is a roundtable of procurers or representatives from large scale buyers like corporations and governments. Who come together on a regular basis to share opportunities that are available to small businesses as well as to talk about procurement practices in the area and what are the ways in which we can identify best practices for diversifying The supply chain as well as making the process more accessible and more equitable for businesses that are in the smaller stages or scale to be able to really enter that space in a way that makes them competitive and allows them to understand what's necessary to do business at this scale. Our Move BR initiative that we are doing in partnership with the city parish, we are on the project management team with state CSRS. And our focus and responsibility within the MoveBR program is specifically focused on the small business outreach. And as hopefully you all know, MoveBR is a multi billion dollar infrastructure project that is happening now. And there are major opportunities for you. Roadway construction and professional services businesses to be able to participate in making our area more accessible, more commutable and more beautiful. And the ways in which they can do that are by being businesses that work on these projects. And if you have businesses, again, that are in your. Network that are interested in contracts, either with corporations or other government entities or are looking to do work on some of the infrastructure projects that are happening with moveBR BRPop. We're happy to connect those businesses and also talk with them specifically about where they are as a business. And maybe what are some things that they might need to do to be more ready? And if they are ready now, getting them connected to those contract opportunities immediately. And so now we're going to talk. About the revolving loan fund. So go on to the next slide, please. And so our revolving loan fund again is about access to capital, but it's unique because it's a micro loan fund. Businesses can  apply for up to 10,000. and right now that's actually pretty unique. There are not a lot of places where small businesses can go and get smaller dollar loan loans or capital because. for your time. It's a bit of a challenge. The work that you have to do to make a micro loan looks really similar to the work you have to do for a larger scale loan. So a lot of lending institutions either don't have the capacity or interest to make these kind of loans, but many of the businesses that we have in our community, which we would define as micro businesses, having micro loans. Five or less employees really don't necessarily need right now. 100, 000 or they need maybe 10, 000 to do a few things or to buy a few things or to bring on a few people that help them be in position to then go out after that 100, 000 or 200, 000 or 300, 000 capital to move their business to a different scale. And so this is an opportunity for us to ensure that Businesses that are in our community get the size capital that they need, but also that it's affordable. We can go on to the next slide. In order for the businesses, whether you are a business interested, or businesses that you have in your network that you have in your mind, there are some eligibility criteria. They do have to meet SBA guidelines to be considered a small business, which really is 95, 99 percent of businesses in the country are considered small businesses and are eligible for that to meet that threshold, but it's dependent on your industry. So there's not one. Definition for all businesses. It depends on the industry that you're in, but more than likely the businesses that you're working with or your business qualifies as an SBA or a small business. According to the SBA, they do have to be located in East Baton Rouge parish. We do need them to be in business at least 24 months. And we are asking that they have revenue less than, which is unusual. Typically you're looking for. You might hear Linda say that they're looking for folks with more than 250,000 in revenue, and we're looking for folks with less than because remember, we are trying to reach those businesses who have really struggled to get access to capital, and they tend to be on the smaller side. And we're also looking for again, less than 15 full time employees. Now, with that being said. We don't want businesses to disqualify themselves. If there is some piece here in terms of eligibility that they have in question or that they think that maybe they're on the line or the cusp of being eligible, they should still talk to us. For example, if they're not quite at 24 months, it's okay. I still tell them to inquire. We do have an inquiry form link that will drop into the chat. But to reach out to us anyway, because maybe they are You know, at 18 months, and we can work with them in that 6 months to get them ready for meeting that 24 month threshold and having the information and documentation that they need.

Tia: I have a question, does the makeup of the business, the way that it's filed tax wise, does that matter on eligibility? 

LaShaunda: In terms of their business structure. So if they're an LLC, or yes, so their business structure, we are not particularly focused on that. They do need to be a business. So they need to be  registered with the secretary of state and have a business entity. This is not a loan to an individual, but other than that, they don't have to have a particular business structure. 

Tia: All right. Thank you for that 

LaShaunda: Next slide. Please. All right, so everybody wants to know. Okay, great. I'm pretty much eligible. What can I use the money for? And so we actually have quite a few things that folks can use the money for. And that includes equipment and supplies that includes rent and utilities and being able to pay for important things like training and payroll. And coaching and support and also operation, operational and emergency maintenance. And so this loan fund is intended to help businesses be more sustainable to recover from disaster or some sort of disruption. And so those funds can be used in any of these ways. Next slide please. So the step process is very simple. We wanted to make it streamlined and accessible. And I just want to reiterate that at each step the team at Metro Morphosis is working with and will be working with the businesses who apply to ensure that they can get through the process. And sometimes it takes a little bit of time and sometimes it takes a long time, depending on where the businesses are and how they come to the process. But no, no matter if. They're ready on day one or if it's day 100 and we're still pulling things together. That's okay. It's a natural part of the process and we're there to do that to navigate that process with the businesses who apply. And so there's an application. There is a consultation with our team. There's a submission of required documentations. The application is then reviewed by the team. A loan decision is made, and then there's outreach from our partner at essential to talk about what the use of funds are and the requirements. And then we ask our businesses to pay it forward. And what that means is to pay back your loan, not just because it's the thing you should do, but most importantly is. Because it's a revolving loan fund. And what's what makes it revolving is that when the money comes back, it actually can go back out into the community. And so we're really excited that we actually just made our 1st revolution in the revolving loan fund. And so we just now added back the 1st, 10, 000 dollars to the pool, because we've had enough repayment in the, So we're really excited that our current businesses have been repaying their loans. They are really excited for what the loan has been able to do for their business, and we are hoping that folks that are in your network or you will apply and reach out to us so that we can ensure that they're getting access to the capital that they need. Next slide, please. As I mentioned, the process is simple, but there is one step that I mentioned that I want to dig into just a little bit more, and that's the documentation stage. This is the stage that people usually fall out of the running, if you will get frustrated or get intimidated, and we don't want people to feel any of those things or to have any of those things happen. And so our documentation is fairly streamlined. This is, I would say, probably the most simple loan that you will apply for in your life. It's an application and we ask for some financial documentation that includes 1 to 2 years of business, your tax returns, your bank statements, a profit and loss statement, proof of insurance. And then your credit score and that really is you giving us an indication of what your credit score range is because we do not pull credit until we have gone through the process to determine eligibility and we think that the business is a good candidate because again, we don't want to do any harm and so if we don't think we don't just immediately pull credit until we are pretty sure that the business is not that we're sure that they're eligible, but also pretty sure that they Okay. We'll be able to take on the loan and should be approved. And that is the documentation process. This is a QR code that can be scanned where folks can get more information and hopefully we have dropped into the chat, the link to be able to inquire about the revolving loan fund. Next slide, Pete, please.  All right. So I am going to hand over the floor to Kenya Ridley. She's going to talk with one of our business. This is who has taken advantage of this revolving loan fund and give us some insights. Kenya.  

Kenya: Alrighty. Good morning again, everyone. I have the pleasure of talking with Jordanna Coleman to talk to the impact of our be our BRpop programming.Good morning, Jordanna. 

Jordanna Coleman: Good morning. How y'all doing?  

Kenya: Great. So you are in the hot seat. Introduce yourself and tell us about your business. 

Jordanna: Yes. Good morning, everyone. Happy Friday. My name is Jordanna Coleman. I'm with LC transport services. My husband and I started back in 2022.  We actually made 2 years this November. I'm actually running our business. We're a transportation service provider. Logistics, brokering, that kind of fits under all. We basically provide transportation using a drive in, step deck, flatbed box trucks, small packages and hotshot services. It just all fall under the one umbrella. 

Kenya: Okay awesome. And can you share how the BRPOP initiative assisted you in connecting with contracting opportunities?  

Jordanna: Man, absolutely. I met Miss Kenya about what, two years ago, Miss Kenya, a year ago, a little bit, almost two years ago.  And hey, having someone that was helping assist us be accountability coach was phenomenal. Miss Kenya came in, helped. No, she didn't help. She helped gave me direction which way to go to get to the position where we are presentable to a business. Talking about the website, what you're expecting having a business email, the general things that  someone can help you say, hey, this is what they're looking for. What's how Miss Kenya and Mr. Darren and large was able to assist L. C. transport service, especially in the early stages. The BR pop initiative was amazing. Back in June, we had a matchmaking event. We walked in there and you got a chance to firsthand here. What companies are looking for in a comfortable, relaxed environment where you can start strategizing? What's your best effort? How can you move forward with gaining potential clients?  

Kenya: Yes. Thank you for that, Jordanna. And the event that you're talking about is our VendorConnect, in which we hold two VendorConnects a year, which is a matchmaking event between small businesses and local procurers who we are in partnership with. Excuse me. And Jordanna, what specific contract did you secure through BRPOP, and what role did your business play in fulfilling that?  

Jordanna: Oh, wow. I was really shocked. I got a chance to sit down with two companies basf was one and Blue Cross Blue Shield, of course Me silly as can be what blue cross blue shield won't miss kenya. But getting a chance to sit down and talk To Mr. Al Seymour and talk to him first, even in the event, they did a fire check guys. And just to see how, even though you may be small they refer to us being disadvantaged or diversity. You can still be present and think globally. You can still service a customer as a small business, as a global company. That was huge within itself. But in addition to, we actually got a chance to interview with two different companies and since June, July, we signed up with Blue Cross Blue Shield and we have been, our company has been getting steady work from them, being able to service them, pushing us into the small package market where we provide transportation services for their different products going to their different locations here out through Louisiana. They also, you just never believe the relationships that you build along the way because then you get a chance to see other groups that are not Blue Cross Blue Shield that you get a chance to meet as well. Just taking a package to the New Orleans Chamber of Commerce and you get a chance to meet the president and lead to other great networking and relationship building opportunities. It's just been very huge and very impactful in our company.

Kenya:  And can you speak to any challenges that you may have had before connecting with contracts before the vendor connect? 

Jordanna: Yes.  You don't, on an average, get an opportunity to walk into the room with decision makers. Life changing opportunities. Connecting with BRPOP, LaunchBatonRouge, the MetroMorphosis group has put you in a room with not a single person. Everybody goes in the direction of government, federal work, but being able to sit down and be in a room and understand what a customer need that is a private entity is just, you, it just don't happen every day, but being that you can go into these environment and find out what they're looking for in a relaxed environment, not being on pins and needle, having a chance to have the room, the icebreaker officially done has been amazing. You don't only talk, you don't. Only get a chance to talk to maybe who you match with in that particular setting. You get a chance to get exposed to everyone that's invited in that room that day. And that's huge. Just simply get your face out there and have a conversation that gives you peace where you can ask better questions in a networking environment that can help you better strategize to start. It all leads to you having stability within your company. 

Kenya: And have you observed any changes in your business network, your client base or visibility since working on that contract with Blue Cross Blue Shield?  Absolutely. One of the things that was a hindrance to our business was at the time, you don't think it's important when you do your email or, when you able to have someone tell you, Hey, look. It gives credibility to your company. You really need to focus on getting a domain for your email address. Just understanding that having someone, why you don't know why having a business phone number available is important, but to be able to have firsthand, someone navigate you through the world of how going under contract with a company and having a mentor in the process is just so important. You can't buy it and it makes a complete difference because what you learn in that stage of someone giving you an opportunity that kind of blend into a mentor or give you guidance is only going to make you more marketable to other companies. And so then now you start getting recognized because you know this is what they're looking for firsthand and you have that is a game changer to sway someone towards your way to say, Hey, I want to give them an opportunity. You learn why people want to do business with you. They do business with you because they like you because they know you and they have a sense of trust towards you. And it's not always that they're going to do business. Anybody can how. With a truck, anybody can do get a big truck box truck. Anybody can do it. That's not who they're going to do business with. They're doing business with out the way you represent yourself for your company was a big takeaway. It was huge and changing the dynamics of moving forward with dealing with other potential clients as well. 

Kenya: Okay, and what advice would you give to other small businesses or people considering getting involved with LaunchBR or BRPOP?  

Jordanna: Man, I'mma tell you, I'm always saying it, go way back, no matter how old you are, it's like just do it. Go, show up, have a conversation, be transparent enough to where you are able to expose your good and your bad, where they can come in and assist you. It's been,  you're gonna find that. This word, I just having trouble to embrace being an entrepreneur on your journey on your path. Do not ignore the nuggets that God give you with these people that have these working relationships already existing. They can be the connecting dot or the vessel that can get you to life changing opportunities. Just show up.  Show up with an open mind. Miss Kenya, you can tell you guys, I was very close. Mine is why Blue Cross Blue Shield wanted to work with L. C. Transport Services, and they have been phenomenal and very profound in our business and understanding and giving you an insight what small packages like and then knowing that no matter in your business,  It's so easy for us to get on a one track narrow mindset. Open your mind, because there might be different avenues and challenges. That look like to appear to be a challenge that can just move you, easy transition to now you can offer something that now our company is a diverse company. We're not offering just 18 wheeler services with bigger equipment. We also can accommodate small packages, which are going to make you more marketable, give you more expense experience and allow you to expand your brain, expand your services. And then that's when you get into some life changing opportunities. In addition to meeting with Miss Kenya going with the MetroMorphosis, I just cannot ignore we also secured a contract with the state of Louisiana and being prepared of understanding how to scale and manage your business and having these people to say, Hey, These are key things that you have to put in place when you're going after this market has been huge, where we. Are by God's grace understand we still have one truck. We have since been able to provide capacity for our customers by sub hauling with other trucking companies to where in January, I saw my bank account go to zero on business behind on my bills. So now what we always make, we have all we have made over 700,000 this year in LC transport services. Going into these rooms, getting together, leaning in your faith where God holds you, stop closing your mind, Miss Kenya is a testament to it. Blue Cross Blue Shield has helped us journey as a foundation on how to become more marketable to other opportunities in the transportation industry. 

Tia: Thank you for that Jordanna. Do you mind providing your contact information in the chat so if anyone is interested in your services can reach out to you? 

Jordanna: I definitely would. Cause look, we are good at what we do. I love what we do. And absolutely. I will do that. 

Tia: Thank you. Can you can continue?  

Kenya: Yeah. Thank you so much Jordanna. Is there anything else you'd like to share about your experience ?

Jordanna: Before a window into what else the certifications provide signing up with these companies, these different resource partners for your business is only a window. It take more than signing up, show up in a room, greet people, conquer your fear, when you have that little nudge and God is telling you to go, and you're like, no, I don't want to go because I want to sleep. I'm not where I want to be. Get out of your, get out of yourself. And go because following that voice has led us to meet some great people that in two years where people said is You can't do it know that you can believe in yourself meditate pray  Educate yourself about I don't care if you sell in Pampas to daycares, educate yourself on the brand, the irritation of the scheme, just understand the nature of the business in a supply chain and how your logistics of your feet  work and don't sleep on the classes. The webinars, the training opportunities, just don't look for the contract, show up and the contracts are coming, the work is coming, but you have to first, again, give God all the praise and the glory, I don't mean to offend anybody, and show up, and then it can be a life changing event for you guys. Because that's what I'm experienced, and I'm not, I'm smart, but I'm not that smart, but I am that smart. If that makes sense. 

Kenya: Thank you so much for sharing, Jordanna.

Jordanna: Yes, ma'am.  

Kenya: Back to you, LaShaunda.  

LaShaunda: Jordanna, thank you so much for that compelling testimony for how hard work, commitment, and connection to resources that can help you move to that next stage is really a formula for success. Thank you for joining us.

Jordanna: And thank you for having me. Not a problem. 

LaShaunda: Thank you so much. And we look forward to seeing you double and triple and quadruple that revenue every year. Darren, next slide please. All right. That concludes our presentation. Please scan the QR code. Get in contact with us. We are the MetroMorphosis Launch BR team. We're so appreciative that you all have taken the time to join us this morning to hear about the work that we do to work with wonderful entrepreneurs like Jordanna. With her business, LC Transportation and we look forward to connecting with you and or the businesses that are in your network. If you have questions about eligibility, about use of funds, about the process, do reach out and we're happy to answer your questions. And we'll open up the floor for Tia. If that's appropriate, we'll open up the floor for any questions people might have.  

Tia: Absolutely. But while we're waiting, can you tell us when the next vendor connect will be?  

LaShaunda: Absolutely December 3rd. Kenya, what time are we starting on the 3rd? 

Kenya: Check in, we'll start at 10 o'clock. We'll do a welcome introductions around 10: 30 and then appointments will begin around 11. I can share the registration link in the chat just a 2nd. 

LaShaunda: Yeah, and just to also emphasize that we still have some 1 on 1 appointments that are available. So 1 of the things that you're going to talked about is being able to have that connection directly to decision makers. That is what the 1 on 1 time is for. And so those are scheduled in advance. And if you or folks in your network are interested in connecting with these decision makers in corporations and or large scale, other large scale buyers or government entities registering and signing contracts. Up for those 1 on 1 times in advance is really important to be able to do that. And we still have a few slots remaining. 

Tia: Can you guys share just a little bit? What to expect with the vendor connect?  

LaShaunda: Absolutely. The vendor connect, as was mentioned is really about, it's a part of our initiative. As I mentioned earlier, we convene this round table of representatives from corporations from government entities, quasi government entities, and we talk about. Practices, we talk about opportunities and one of the outgrowths of that conversation has been the vendor connect, which is where we recognize that, we have all this opportunity in the room at the table. Why not bring that opportunity that's in our virtual or collective room of the council to the public? And so we bring those businesses. And so we have, and I'll mess it up. So I'll allow Kenya to tell us which, which large scale buyers and procurers are going to be in the room that people can sign up for one on one time with, but it is essentially a format or a forum where folks can come and meet we're excited to be able to meet other organizations, other businesses that maybe they weren't familiar with, might want to do business with and team up and go after some of these opportunities and also to meet decision makers at corporations. We do have a fireside chat where we have the opportunity to hear from a couple of our procurement representatives and decision makers from corporations who talk a bit about what you need to be able to do and present to do business with them and just talking a bit about what they're looking for to glean some insights. For small businesses that are really interested in navigating the corporate supply chain. Kenya can you tell us who are our major businesses that are going to be in the room where folks can sign up for 1 on 1 timely? 

Kenya: Sure, so currently right now we have City Parish, LSU, Breck, Penn Entertainment, which is L'Auberge, our procurement host, as well as Jacobs and a few others. 

LaShaunda: Thank you. And the link to register is in the chat as well as the graphic. You feel free to pull that graphic and share it via your own social network or email or however you communicate with your network. Feel free to share that widely. We are eager to have more businesses that we can be aware of and support and also that our procurers and decision makers can be aware of and do business with. 

Tia: Thank you so much for that. LaShaunda. So now this is the perfect entryway into our community announcements, so at this moment, if anybody else has any other community announcements, events going on trainings that are being held now's the time to share. Okay hearing no community announces for this, this weekend, but starting next Tuesday kicks are in person quarterly convenings. We have education to career from 12 o'clock at the river center library to that Wednesday will be the CAFE in person quarterly meeting. And then Thursday would be transportation and mobility. 

LaShaunda: It looks like you have a couple of announcements in the chat. Helena mentioned the MLK resource fest or fair for people to sign up for,  which I think is the same thing that Morgan posted a little bit earlier. I think. 

Tia: I appreciate it. Let's know that I'm in transit again. Thank you. 

LaShaunda: No problem. And then Morgan posted about the MLK Fest Saturday, Friday, January 17th and Saturday, January 18th. 

Morgan Udoh: Hey, y'all.  

LaShaunda: Hi, Morgan. 

Morgan: So MLK Fest is Friday, Saturday, and Monday with the block party. We are transforming the North Acadian Thruway East Corridor into the 70802.  Lots of opportunities for organizations to host a site if they'd like. It's a great opportunity for employee retention projects, as you help beautify our historically divested areas of town, and work side by side with residents to bring those areas back into commerce. Please reach out to partner, volunteer, collaborate, donate however you see fit. 

Tia: Also, in the chat, you'll see that I dropped that there's a vendor's request for a black house team summit. That's going to be hosted at Scotlandville high school in partnership with a safe, helpful, hopeful. If you are interested in tabling and children and adolescents are your target population, I encourage you to download that flyer and get in contact with. Black teen, black house team. 

LaShaunda: Looks like there's also a red stick veterans week  happening tomorrow, Saturday November 16th from 11 AM to 2 PM.  There is a community service an ageless presented by the ageless circle, November the 16th, also tomorrow.  And the black house teen summit, which I think is what you just mentioned Tia. It looks like that's everything. Oh, no, there is a 19th JDC recovery court graduation happening. Actually it looks like today at 10 a. m. at the judicial district court on the 11th floor. 

Tia: Well, Darren, Kenya, and LaShaunda I thank you guys so much for taking your time out to present this wonderful opportunity for small business owners and look forward to working with you guys again in the future.  

LaShaunda: Thank you so much for having us.  

Tia: All right, seeing how we have no other community announcements that is going to conclude this week's call. Thank you all and happy Friday. 



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